What is Vegan Certificate

Vegan certificates are the certificates that do not use animal food and products, do not contain by-products, and products that have not been tested on live animals are certified. Foods and beverages that have a vegan certificate also have the vegan label.

Today, it is known that some individuals prefer products with vegan content because they adopt a vegan diet. As V-Mark, we assist the producer by inspecting the vegan ingredients and make it easier for the consumer to reach the products with the vegan label.

The consumer can eat vegan products that are 100% safe. It is very important to serve individuals who make a habit of vegan nutrition in the society and to inspect the products produced in the company and to release the products to the market with the approval of the vegan certificate. 

The first point to be considered in obtaining a vegan certificate is that it has been certified by an impartial and independent organization. Certificates obtained from internationally operating organizations show much more accurate results and provide peace of mind for the user.

When we look at today's companies, they try to stay away from animal foods as much as possible, taking into account the individuals who consume vegan products, and they pay attention to which foods the consumers like. In order for the producer to survive, the consumer must pay attention to the changing food habits. Producers who want to put themselves in the top ranks in the market also take into account vegan people.

In this direction, they continue to produce and present blood content to the market. As V-Mark, we are trying to ensure that the consumer eats vegan food safely with our company, which has international credibility for individuals who turn to vegan content.

There are many research centers on the market to analyze whether the vegan logo can be printed or not. Laboratories, which are above the standards and are aware of the fact that no part of animal food should be in the products, have to carry out their work meticulously.

EUROLAB, which is one of these laboratories and takes care to provide the highest quality test services, performs food tests in the most accurate way. In order to complete the vegan tests in the most successful way, it is important for the employees to have international expertise and experience in the works they have done, in order to find the most accurate result. In order to obtain the most successful results in these tests, the tests must be carried out with the authorization obtained from international organizations.

With today's society living in the information age and consumers accessing information in the fastest way, the importance of information has increased. It is necessary to have a reliable reputation in the eyes of the consumer, with the tests that have been done in the most accurate way.

Recognizing this, companies prefer products with V-Mark labels for their foods, and as always, we deliver food from the producer to the consumer who consumes vegan products in the safest way possible. With our certificates valid all over the world, we conduct our inspections and issue the certificate in order to present the safest vegan food to consumers who consume vegan.

If we pay attention to the environment we live in, the organizations that issue vegan certificates continue to increase day by day. Being aware of this, businesses organize their menus accordingly. It is known that restaurants and markets with the vegan option have started to become widespread today and foods are transferred to the consumer in a way that does not contain animal products. Food is not the only thing vegan people pay attention to.

As much as they are against the eating of animals as food, they also refuse to use the items that come from their skin and all parts of their body and are offered to individuals. In this way, they also want to prevent hunting, which disrupts the order of nature and causes damage to the ecosystem. It is the most natural right of the consumer to have quality vegan options. Vegan certification, which has started to increase with the spread of high-quality vegan food and goods, appeals to a wide audience.

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