ECO Label

23 On March 1992, the ECO Label, introduced by the European Union, is a label that is more environmentally friendly and does not contain additives. ECO Label application, which has become more widespread as a result of increasing and popular ecological production, includes products without chemicals and preservatives which the consumer does not know the source of.

Producer companies apply to receive Eco Labels and after this application, for which product EKO Labels are required, that product EUROLAB laboratories undergo tests. The product passed the test successfully is entitled to receive EKO Label. No organic production and chemical containing products can benefit from EKO Label application. According to the test results of the products TÜRCERT EUROLAB Certificate is given to companies by.

Eco Labeled products are continuously controlled in the process and process from the production stage to the consumer. These products are produced in a way that respects a healthier environment and ecological order. All companies that have been awarded the EUROLAB Certificate, which is valid in all countries, undergo this supervised production process.

Eco Non-labeled products are not produced naturally. They are produced using a number of hormones in order to obtain more products and make production faster. These products adversely affect human health and the sustainability of the ecological system. They are completely made for profit. Chemical substances and preservatives are used in the production stage. Consumption of these products has resulted in many diseases. Today, most of the diseases, especially cancer, occur depending on the diet. When non-organic nutrients are consumed, it causes unstable cellular divisions in our bodies. These divisions lead to tumors. Tumors can be strong enough to cause permanent damage to our body. Cancer is a disease triggered by chemicals in nutrients.

Eco-Labeled products are not only products but also packaging that is environmentally sensitive. Packaging and packaging materials used in industrial production products do not disappear for thousands of years in nature. This affects the life cycle of living beings in the ecosystem and leads to the deterioration of ecological balance. Every substance and chemical waste that adversely affects the ecological balance means the restriction of vital activities for future generations. This leads to the extinction of species, the spread of diseases which cannot be cured or difficult to treat, and decreases the quality of oxygen.

It is accepted that the products taken from the soil treated with chemical substances affect health negatively. These nutrients leave hereditary diseases to future generations. There is no harm to the environment including the packaging of the products with Eco Label. No chemicals or hormones are used in the production process. It is used in packaging products which can dissolve quickly in nature and do not cause any harm to soil, air. Thus, products that do not cause any harm to ecological balance and human health are produced. Consumption of these products is important both for our own health and for the future generations to have quality living spaces. The companies that value organic production and realize this production are doing their job meticulously. Control is ensured at every stage of production and they do Eco application voluntarily.

Eco Label the owner should not experience any uneasiness while consuming products. With the EUROLAB Certificate approved by the European Union, these foodstuffs, which are organic production products, are produced by completely natural production methods and the natural maturity process is expected for the agricultural products to be grown. In order to ensure rapid production, no chemical fertilizer is used for the product to grow quickly, or hormone-containing substances are used to make the product more efficient.

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