Ecological Industrial Policies

The fact that human beings form an inseparable whole with the environment they live in shows the integrity of ecology. Although human interventions in nature are inevitable for the continuity of interactions, interventions aiming only to benefit from nature cause negative effects.

After the industrialization, the ecological crisis started due to uncontrolled developments, population growth and urbanization, high consumption and waste amounts. With the adoption of this situation, the process of transformation of ecological crisis from ecological crisis to ecological society begins to form the international agenda items. It is argued that as a result of the equilibrium of the industry with ecology, the improvement power can be utilized and since 1950, industrialization developments that do not harm the ecology become widespread. Concrete steps have been taken with increasing awareness and government policies. Indeed, as a result of the awareness and mentality developed about the carrying capacity of the universe, sustainable industrial policies remain on the agenda.

As a result of pollution control and clean production approaches, UNEP 1989 launched the Clean Production Program. In this process, Turkey has not reached the awareness increase cleaner production and maturation. In 2010, an important step was taken in the transition to clean production with the publication of the Regulation on Energy Labeling and the Eco-Design Regulation.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and the General Directorate of Productivity, which it contains, have been assigned tasks for the preparation, implementation and support of the projects. Following the establishment of financial support and incentive mechanisms for clean production projects, the Environment and Clean Production Institute was established within TUBITAK.

Changes in sustainable industrial policies, which consist of industrial and industrial processes, are based on environmental pollution, waste management, renewable energy and climate change. Understanding that the carrying capacity of nature is not unlimited is realized as a result of mass deaths caused by environmental pollution. In addition to soil, air and water pollution factors as well as noise pollution, which prevents the ecological values ​​to be taken correctly, environmental pollution is considered to be the environmental pollution.

The principles determined to combat environmental pollution are polluter pays, prevention at source and cautious. One-fourth of the waste generated as a result of industrial activities and increased consumption consists of hazardous and harmful wastes. The management of wastes that are difficult to dispose of in industrial accidents and in general is more difficult than the management of liquid and solid wastes. However, recovery and recycling applications are emphasized. In 2006, half of the total waste was recovered in the European Union countries. New strategies were then identified to increase this amount. These studies bring about sustainable energy policies. Efficiency is achieved through energy saving in the short term, while the effective and permanent solution is the use of renewable energy sources. Thus, it is aimed to prevent damage to fossil energy sources and ecology.

Even though the initial investment, operation and maintenance costs are higher than fossil energy sources, solar energy is the most utilized resource among alternative energy sources with zero fuel costs. Countries such as Japan, Australia, Denmark, China, Sweden, Brazil and India are making significant investments in renewable energy sources. One of the most important causes of global warming and climate changes caused by the greenhouse gas amounts in the atmosphere is increased carbon dioxide emissions. Following the conscious supply of raw materials, water and energy resources, it is aimed to reduce carbon footprint and any factors contributing to global warming.

Climate change is another policy issue that requires struggle. At the Rio Environment and Development Conference in 1992, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted. The Kyoto Protocol came into force in 2005, following OECD member countries undertaking the obligation to reduce carbon emissions.

Sustainable Industrial Policy in Turkey

sustainable industrial policy in Turkey began with the interest in ecological issues. The ecological interest that began in 1970 The 1973-1977 period led to the creation of a separate division for the environment in the five-year development plan. 1982 Constitution As a result of the Environmental Law protected by the 56 substance, waste recycling rates have been gradually increased.

Turkey in the use of hydroelectric and geothermal resources in the use of alternative energy sources is the leader among European countries. However, despite being among the world leaders in terms of solar and wind power potential, utilization rates are quite low. In the Ninth Development Plan of 2007-2013 period, targets and objectives were determined and thus, the rates were increased rapidly. In 2011, the General Directorate of Renewable Energy was established and the process was defined and planned. In the National Climate Change Strategy Region, global warming and combating climate change methods, measures to be taken and industrial changes are determined in short, medium and long term targets. In the National Action Plan on Climate Change, targets and methods have been determined within the scope of minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency.

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