Ecology and ECOmark

Ecology, known as environmental science, works for a cleaner and more livable world. Ecology is the branch of science that examines the relationships of living things with each other and with the environment. Human, plant and animal relations within the ecological system are within the scope of ecology. It is a collection of scientific research on many subjects.

It is very important for living beings to survive and continue their generation. For this, nature and environment must be protected. Lack of protection of the environment brings many problems. Especially, global warming, melting of glaciers, environmental pollution and many other ecological problems are encountered. We can see that these kinds of problems have been experienced very much lately. The lack of environmental protection, excessive pollution and the unconscious use of natural resources have caused us to face important environmental problems such as global warming. What needs to be done at this point will be to protect the nature and the environment. We need to protect the environment at all times in order for living things to survive in the ecology system and for the continuation of their generations without any problems.

In order to protect the environment, we must use ecological science. What needs to be done in the scientific sense is determined by certain standards. These standards have been applied in many areas. The application of standards is of great importance, especially in the use of natural and organic products. In our country, various laws, regulations and practices have been going on recently. Ecological certificate applications have been started in almost every field from food to textile, cosmetic to chemical sectors. Extensive efforts are underway to encourage companies to produce organic and at the same time raise awareness of consumers. At this point, Ekomark appears. Ecology and ECOMARK You can find the relationship in the following article.


Sensitivity to the environment has started to increase in our country as well as all over the world. For a cleaner and more livable world, Ecomark's contributions are indisputable. The Eco label system, which was introduced in 1992 in EU countries, is now widely applied in almost every country. Ekomark has the authority to issue ecological certificates and gives certificates in various sectors and products.

Eco label, another name of which is environmental effect, is also preferred more in our country. Companies operating in various sectors apply for Ecomark label for their products. The Ecomark label certifies that the products are manufactured in an environmentally friendly manner, completely natural and without damaging natural resources. At this point, those who wish to obtain an Ecomark label must apply for their products.

Ecomark Certification Process

Those who wish to obtain an Ecomark label must apply for their products. The applications are evaluated in detail by Ecomark. In the preliminary evaluation, the validity and other details of the product are examined. Applications of products covered by the standard as a result of examination are accepted.

Ecomark agreement is made with the other company for accepted applications. With the Ecomark agreement, the process will be started. After the conclusion of the contract, sample products are requested from the manufacturer. The company must supply the sample product and deliver it to Ecomark. After the sample product is delivered, inspections will begin. Sample products are examined in fully equipped laboratory environments.

All components of the product are examined in the examinations. If it is understood that the components used do not harm the environment and the environment, the Ecomark label is given to the relevant company for its product or products. Ecomark label companies have the right to use all rights of this product. The Ecomark label certifies that the product is produced in a completely natural way, that there are no chemical additives and that all production processes are meticulously controlled by Ecomark.

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